There is about 42 days left to finish detailing Rust. That means it's time to start a new project! I mentioned it in my last post that I was going to probably do a 5CP map for comp, but I decided to revive cp_frozen and finish that. I'm basically rebuilding stage 2 and 3 while fixing up stage 1. This won't interfere with whatever my summer project is, I plan to do both of these together.
I still don't know what I'll be doing for this summer. Hopefully it will be a collaboration project with a programmer friend. Though, he might have a job, so who knows. We're looking at doing something with the Source engine, but nothing specific has been decided. If something doesn't happen, I'll be doing much more work with Radiant, as a way to push usage of that engine (Using Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare 1).
Interesting thing I saw was that Borderlands 1 might have modding tools somewhere, so I may look into that for UDK work. I haven't found anything yet, but I'll keep looking.
The portfolio is coming along, I'll be finishing it up when rust gets finished and released. Don't have a domain name or host up yet. I may also include a "How to use Hammer" tutorial series on the portfolio.
Anyways, tis' be all for now.
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