Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Hello There!

So this is my new blog (woo). Honestly, it'll be updated whenever I get a chance to update. I'll be talking about mostly my game development stuff, but some of my astronomy work might slip in.

Anyways, I'm currently working on building the website for my portfolio. No, I don't have domain name yet, but it'll probably be joeradakdesign.com or joeradak.com. I'll hopefully be getting hosting from a good friend of mine. More info on that when it comes.

Spring break is coming up soon, which means mapping, mapping, coding, and mapping. I'll be working on populating my portfolio, and while I'm at it, I'll be populating the portfolio as well. I don't know CSS and HTML, so I'm learning as I go and getting help from friends. When I'm not coding, I'll be working on detailing pl_rust, my payload map for TF2Maps.net "Payload: Dynamic Element" Map contest. the first area is roughly detailed, so I'll be releasing an alpha version of that soon for testing. I'm still not 100% sure if final is really the way I want it, so testing will occur then. You can check out pl_rust at this link.

Anyways, expect the site to be up in the next few weeks (hopefully). I have plans for the summer, and will be posting about them as soon as they are finalized.