Saturday, March 3, 2012

Spring Break Agenda

Spring break is now upon us here in Happy Valley. I'll be traveling home, but I'll be bringing my computer with me so I get as much as I can done with pl_rust and my portfolio. For rust I'm basically going into super-detail-mode and for the portfolio I'll be populating the map pages and re-writing my tutorials and adding some guides.

For the map pages, I'm going to do something a little different than other designers on their portfolio. I'll provide plenty of images from the map, laid out in a nice gallery, but I'm also going to outline the though process on why I did what I did. Basically going to analyze my own map from a designer stand-point.

In the way of guides and tutorials, I have a couple of ones I'll be getting together. One is on lighting and using lighting to help guide players and help them recognize important areas, the other is from TF2 and how "smaller" maps do not mean faster or better gameplay. That article will cover mainly payload and payload race and probably general control point gametypes.

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